Phosphating / phosphating line
A wide range of phospho-degreasing products capable of ensuring the cleaning and simultaneous deposition of amorphous or crystalline phosphate coatings on surfaces or multi-metal components.
They ensure a homogeneous substrate that protects the artifacts and surfaces from corrosion, ensuring excellent adhesion to paints and subsequent conversion treatments (chromatising).
Phosphorising / phosphating formulations
Our range of phospho-degreasing products stands out for the great variety of formulations: from specific formulations for individual metals (iron, cast iron, aluminum) to multimetal products, each designed to guarantee the best performance in the most different process conditions.
This, combined with the presence of particular additives and accelerators, allows us to provide the customer with a wide choice of products able to meet their needs.
Use and Operation
Each product is associated with a simple and practical use and operating manual (in the case of immersion or spray application), sometimes made ad hoc for the individual customer by our technicians. This, combined with the quality of our formulations, ensures the maximum effectiveness and longevity of our pickling products, guaranteeing the customer performance and savings. Furthermore, periodic checks by our technicians can be agreed, in order to ensure the perfect management of your industrial process.
Deposition of a homogeneous protective substrate
Easy to start and run process
Low environmental impact and non-hazardous products
Increased hours of salt spray
Increased adhesion of paints and coatings
Preconversion or final treatment
Pre-painting treatments
Surface preconversion treatments
Anti-corrosion and anti-rust protection
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